The Blogfather

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Cosmic Relations Past ~ that’s Pussy General memoir. Do not freak out unless you need because it’s Father’s Day…your authoress Mary Jane aka Amelia Energy has shame fame so strong I’m writing four 1 – 2- 3 – 4 memoir manuscripts.


Emotional Hell is for Children

I took this photo today and it looks a bit angry & messy, like birth. cosmic relations past is the essence of birth. If you follow this blog and we have had sexual relations including my SCORCHY hot times Backpage days, well, you are probably in it. my manuscript. no names, only Memoir-ization Mythic names.

Memoir as Myth Names = MEMOIR-IZATION

Memoir = Risk just like Backpage!

hear The Doors or Led Zeppelin or something else of high, high, high + low art mystique and that’s memoirization. I feel STRONGLY after surviving heavy seas (going under large waves) of shame that sex tone stories — including all the law suits, good people — well, we need more creative outlets to deal with it. Even the water cooler stories, they need more love and more protection.

Writing my sex memoirs with a veil of mystic myth, that’s my protection. And yours. Do not tell me this is fictionalization, because that important honored writer’s psyche tool does not cut my mustard.

today is Father’s Day ~ my real dad is Big Jack. He cut the mustard. He cut the cheese. He freaking adored me. Big Jack was loving & funny and not an asshole. And since he’s at home in the light, I have the psychic strength to write about my sex experience. If he was alive? Eh gads, I wonder if I’d still be breathing, pen name or fictionalization or pen in my hand period. Since Dad is gone, and since I am breathing, I have put Big Jack in my memoir manuscript as Big Jack!

The Blogfather? Wow, that’s Big D. My Brooklyn landlord, my stand-in-emo father, our Mythic Bartender, and my friend. He worked the Upper East Side bars for 30 years, he’s IN a sex memoir about prostitution in the 70s NYC, and he is a slate of memoirs in waiting. Like Peacedomme in Waiting, we have to wait!

(She & comics moved to Peace General, fyi. Dommes are popular, Peacedommes are not! I revere both and shall wait for my chance to dance Peacedomme into the light. I deeply desire to dance down male-ughness in pink shiny vinyl very high mission boot heels but I must wait! for the future. FOOTIES~!)

Would you like to join the memoir email list? You will hear my hi in July as your reward ~ a sex story of me and JASON OF ARGUE-NOT. You must join the list for that one. (join below) I DO hope to read it underground on the Ourobite wall but wait I must until moved & have a helper. Wait. To be. OUROBITTEN.

I hope if you are a father, that today was great for you. If you need a kiss, kiss your screen and feel my love. Thank you, Fathers, Godfathers, lost children & mixed media blessings. (Thx Original Babe, that’s some John Prine right there.)

That’s what the world needs. More love ~ (((A)))







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