
Wanting more from free sex? Come for my virus, leave with my cure, the Ourobite. I am a Led Zeppelin painting coming to life. Seeking questers. jesters. painters. AND A HOST as long as you are kind. I need you. read on.

photo Jay Brewer

Long post so much info butt what you need is right up front.

So let’s jump right to it…free sex? The free sex is total honesty between you and me that you are welcome to sexually cum to my NUDY art. Here. If that doesn’t sound like waging peace, I am sincerely sorry. Too much fighting.

I’ve been blogging my way to peace since 2015. Shame is a merciless bitch, and I took her on alone. CAUTION ~ shadow work is risky done alone. Because this world does not yet support YOUR peace, I am determined to bridge the gap of emotional healing with whatever my new sexual world holds DONE ON STAGES, IN STAGE PLAYS, AND YOU ESCORTING NUDY INTO THE LIGHT.

If this is our first time meeting each other, I work for freed sex psychology. I support all humans waving their freak flag. I am GLAD for freak flags! My bent?

Taking my former Backpage girl story and building a new precise sex language for future sex stage plays and NUDY relationships. It will take opening my own Mystery Club and I’m so excited. I WANT THIS! Sound cosmic? It is! butt…..

Hosting my Mystery

the HOST MOVE thing. can’t do anything if not in the right company. I ask for a generous host for 4-12 months to write this sex memoir. WOW! no, that is not the free sex. that is your shot at redemption OR reconciliation (highest service to whole) ~ contemplative always and yes, we will discuss sex.

  • I’m moving TO YOU if we are a great match
  • to write my heart & pussy out now ’til November
  • and listen, listen, listen to you even if just in silent walks
  • moving takes resources ~ honesty ~ go here to learn/apply
  • and no pressure for sex ~ what if you’re depressed? I get it

The host shortlist? A male who lives alone age 41-71 who is mature enough to know a woman on a mission to forgive a man is rare, rare occurrence, and holding balls, hearts, and confidences is a great gift. Thxu 4 empowering me.

Boring Ourobite

  • The rest of this blogpost is:
  • How to empower me (gifts)
  • Questers
  • Jesters
  • Painters (anything hands & art)
  • Conclusion

INTERESTED IN HOSTING MY MYSTERY? GO HERE – TO EMPOWER ME go to the exact same HERE. gifts are mandatory to cum underground to my boring Ourobite ~ I am generous, gracious, & kind so catch my match or go away

Empowerment Shortcut: if you discern my cool, generous, not-a-domme but feeling like a dominant woman, the word for it is Synergy. Harmony in Sex is best when the divine feminine is SERVED. first. I wage peace the way I want to. THAT is mystery. Not sure? Go have a kind casual convo with any woman in your life. That inner softness inside her hard shell is yin. I am four full stages out of launching something solid for you. I need your support now. I thank you deeply, I appreciate your patience. I get back as quick as I can. Use my gift form and Google Voice Me you did so and I will become so much more able to give you the normal good bells & whistles of business. Please do not text me just because. You’ll get the hard shell. Sex as business is cash, cash, cash and I do not have a sensual studio anymore. The end. Now for the beginning


You have reached Pussy General in its NEW phase ~ Maiden CRONE Sex WITNESSED. Let me be blunt: I vanquished my body/emo shame IN MARCH of this year. 3 months ago. I gave up everything on the earth to finish this quest.

Ever come home from the hospital alone? Yeah, tough. TRANSLATION:

THE WRITING OUTPACES THE ACTUAL SEX ~ I am a mystery. Not a domme, not an escort, not a porn actress, not a phone sex operator, not a peep show, not a sensual masseuse (anymore) and NO NUDY is not stripping per amazing usual despite my HOPEFUL bid (announced today) as mystery club owner of the future. All paths honored.


All language here IS VERY SEXUAL because I wish to give Sex as Life. No one will give you the place on LIFE’S stage, you must make room for yourself, and my YIN divine feminine is PROTECTED by my Yang divine masculine shield aka



I dated a clown once. Had one community escort Me to the dance producer’s stage too. I don’t care if jokes are the only way you function, I’ll guide you, BUTT I do mind the following: (per my Peace General post)

Direct Peacedomme Request: before you, the “connoisseur” of pussy spits his disdain on his device, KNOW MY KNOW. Your spittle is self-acquittal not earned but stolen from those desperate in the physical. so what you THINK dane not hot enough here is your deaf discordant totally uncool wasted mind division lonely and separated from grace. Please gift 100xs more than the requested bare minimum $25 and consider it invitation to pussy jail: Dry grace…the ditch^a ~!!!

Peace General speaking from Backpage wisdom

If you push, if you think this is uncool, you most likely hate yourself. I am blunt to save you the trouble because I hated myself too. It’s called the psyche jail of the oldest pro work. My unique compassion is I have a heart & a hardon for you, the self-loathing jester. I will be patient. firm. fierce. I am pro-woman and I am pro-new-man. The OLD world is dying because the divine feminine kind & caring isn’t valued. That’s it in a nutshell of all the Hard Cancel. Be yin with Me?

NUDY is for all of us courageous sexual peace explorers who just GET, who can discern, the unjust of the whole world sexual and will work for NUDY aka NEW.

And if you are so over it, I get it. I hope you have a fabulous old world domme to call, I support her gorgeous ass. I support your correction. (see Me 18-mos.)


Welcome, you sensitive artistic souls…does this speak to you Led Zeppelin or otherwise? {I hear divine feminine + male quest in every lyric of that band, fyi}

Wet Purple Grace

Unfinished writing seems boring to the uninitiated. VERY rich to all writers and painters and other creators. Because I want you NOW not 18 months from now when the sex memoir is published…

Would you please have mercy on my lack of ability to be in community? I do not loathe OR like all this online stuff. Oh well for now. I am a real world muse, a guide, a priestess-like energetic. I am supporter of the artist. Many times over.

My art? How I would unconsciously dump my anger & confusion into stage, song, creative writing, and now the NUDY art. NUDY came as mind miracle in 2017 and it is a precious story I am holding. I don’t want to compete with you.

I’ll say it again. Pain is very, very, very jealous. I don’t know who I am supposed to be for a male artist, but I know who I am NOT. with a mouth of grace and deep acknowledgement of your gifts & your soul, I am not a nude model nor a muse. do not offer to host me if this is what you want. You deserve what you want and so do I.

Creative NEW Relationships? Wow, I wonder what bridges we as artists will build together. My old earth world is as support to you. Your marketer, your PR gal, your organizer, your quiet ear, your appreciator, your boudoir breast. I treasure this old role. I have no idea what is coming, but I KNOW your art + NUDY = graceful future in a world where art is more supported. I just do.

My hope with painters & all the rest…

  • I DO hope I will be your muse in MISSION
  • I DO wish to follow you on Insta
  • I DO hope to be hosted on / run a community discussion in mission of NUDY as new art psyche empowerment tool for all ~ painter to muse to gallery to community to more
  • I DO plan on teaching the mission dance insignia as peace tool
  • I AM making the Ourobite mission wall (this silly amazing flash memoir in my budding sex underground) the THIRD PLACE for artists where THIRD PLACE is defined by accessibility, affordability, & welcoming of all

If you are initiated on Quest (soldiers, leaders, recovery souls all know) but are in a silo, then maybe I understand you? Because when I was in the silo of my shame, that was the inner quest. I mistook toooo many times a practical, kind nudge to go get some help as criticism. That was the shame talking.

Artists have the job of main-framing shame. Without guidance in & out, wow, so tricky. so many early deaths. Discord is complaining about this. Discern is the Gift of hearing this and forgiving the Self with lots of self-empathy.

I have way too much experience with my fellow artists on the whole shitty dangerous shame thing. I have to repeat this: I cannot support your psyche in addressing its shame other than my pussy presence in how I offer it. My aim is the Pussy General Hospital for emotional healing & listening. THAT’S when I will be able to more tangibly support you. I hate saying all this, but it’s a good hate because it means I’ve crossed the bridge into discerning Mutha. May you feel my love ~ go talk to someone and DO contemplate your suffering? The inner altar or bust. That’s the quest.

(the Gene Keys majorly helped me break free, fyi. contemplation)

in Conclusion

thank you.

Don’t want this invite? Cause I’m a blessing with extra work? Then…

Be blessed, be encouraged to peace cum to my open NUDY art. Freely embedded with love & blessing. Becoming emotionally sober is such a bitch of a job ~ if you have addiction or suicidal symptoms in your past or present, I so understand you, I get you, I love you. I cannot tangibly support you ~ but I can invite you to come around. catch grace.

I’ll be here for the rest of my life, do come back if so called {xo}

My SEX MEMOIR writing is a full length manuscript journey. My FLASH SEX Memoir is fun, informative, provocative, teasing, and organizing in a good fashion for Me, your Mary Jane Amelia in the Pussy General. It is sooooooo generous regarding $$$ and I believe in that. BUTT too many males push and grab and are un-gracious in this arena. What if you just need kind guidance?

I am writing my way into very, very, very cool new relationships with the penis, with the phallus. Peacedomme in WAITING means I am 4 stages OUT from a business launch of Pussy General. I hope to be of HIGH service to those who dare to serve me as I wish, as I ask, as I COMMANDA but not as you might ask from your sacred, cherished, appreciated, NOW WORLD dominatrix.

DO NOT confuse my NUDY newness with ANY disdain at ALL of our common collective memory of sexual work in all its glory. NAY~! My NUDY adds and only subtracts the SHAME out of sex. When I launch (4 stages from now), I will go down on allll the old language. Of what? the oldest pro field and the oldest pro work for women. Take the P in PRO and you know what I am veiling.

to our mutual freedom


P.S. the gift form is here if you want to come along with Me



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One response to “Ourobite”

  1. Pre General Chaos – Peacedomme in Waiting Avatar

    […] I could share more, but Sex Nun of My Business just WENT UNDERGROUND as Ourobite. Flash Sex Memoir. I am HUSTLING to correctly invite you. What you need to know? I seek […]


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